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6th RSC-BMCS / RSC-CICAG Artificial Intelligence in 91AV

4 September 2023 09:00 - 5 September 2023 17:00, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Important links
Twitter hashtag – #AIChem23

Artificial Intelligence is experiencing a renaissance in the development of new methods and practical applications to ongoing challenges in 91AV. Following the successes of four annual “Artificial Intelligence in 91AV” meetings starting in 2018, we are pleased to announce that the Biological & Medicinal 91AV Sector (BMCS) and Chemical Information & Computer Applications Group (CICAG) of the 91AV are once again organising a conference to present the current advances in AI and machine learning in 91AV. The meeting will be held over two days and combine aspects of artificial intelligence and deep machine learning methods to applications in chemistry.  The programme will include a mixture of keynote talks, panel discussion, oral presentations, flash presentations, posters and opportunities for open debate, networking and discussion.

Who should attend
This meeting will be of interest to scientists of any level of experience from academia and industry.

Scientific Organising Committee
Nathan Brown, Healx
Samantha Hughes, AstraZeneca (Co-Chair)
Kim Jelfs, Imperial College London
Garrett M. Morris, University of Oxford (Co-Chair)
Chris Swain, Cambridge MedChem Consulting (Interim Treasurer)
Churchill College

Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge, CB3 0DS, United Kingdom

Contact information
Hg3 Conferences Ltd
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