Semiochemicals are messenger molecules that play important roles in the realm of insect chemical ecology. Volatile chemicals involved in such interactions function both between different species, termed allelochemicals, and within species, termed pheromones. Techniques commonly used in isolating and identifying these volatiles include solvent extraction, static and dynamic headspace sampling followed by gas chromatography coupled with electroantennography (GC-EAD) and mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Sex pheromones in Lepidoptera are highly efficient and selective for attracting only the target species. These pheromones are mostly composed of more than one chemical compound and the ratios between the constituents are often critical for biological activity. Knowledge about the identity and ratios of such pheromone constituents are one of the focus areas when searching for these pheromone signals in samples. Effective pheromones are desirable as they are very useful for selectively controlling insect pests in an environmentally friendly way. Pheromone lures are typically used to enhance monitoring traps that are subsequently used to gather data on pest phenology, abundance and for timing of other more elaborate pest management tactics. This presentation is aimed at introducing the field of insect chemical ecology in a broad sense and will share some examples of experiments and successes achieved in the field.
Note: The start time is 16h00 (SA time) or 15h00 (UK time)
To receive the webinar link, RSVP to by 13 August.
Note: The start time is 16h00 (SA time) or 15h00 (UK time)
To receive the webinar link, RSVP to by 13 August.