Annual Christmas lecture for Y12 & Y13 students.
"Light as a ruler: watching individual molecules of DNA dance to understand the rules of light" presented by Dr Tim Craggs.
In my lab, we use light as a very sensitive ruler to measure distances less than 1/1000th of the width of a humnan hair. We can make these measurements on individual molecules, and by triangulating many distances, we can determine the structures of these moledules. In this lecture, we will measure the width of a human hair using laser light, and then I will show you that we can learn from our measurements on one of life's most important molecules, DNA.
"Light as a ruler: watching individual molecules of DNA dance to understand the rules of light" presented by Dr Tim Craggs.
In my lab, we use light as a very sensitive ruler to measure distances less than 1/1000th of the width of a humnan hair. We can make these measurements on individual molecules, and by triangulating many distances, we can determine the structures of these moledules. In this lecture, we will measure the width of a human hair using laser light, and then I will show you that we can learn from our measurements on one of life's most important molecules, DNA.