The Global Women’s Breakfast aims to assist women chemists to expand their network of contacts, both locally and internationally. Women at different stages of their individual careers can inform each other about their career progress, and together explore opportunities, in professional development and in research or teaching horizons. Organizations of all types, e.g., universities, companies, national chemistry societies, government laboratories, and other scientific organizations, as well as individual groups of chemists, are invited to participate. The world map highlights countries that register to join in on February 12.
The global women’s breakfast event will be launched in New Zealand on the morning of February 12, 2019, and progress through the Asia-Pacific region into Europe, Africa and finally onto the American region.
The global map of registered breakfast events on the IUPAC100 website will be used along with social media to track the progress of events in real time around the world with the final events occurring in the Pacific region. Individual breakfast meetings will be asked to post a short video during their event to Twitter or Instagram with the hashtags #IUPAC100 and #globalbreakfast. All posts will be displayed on the IUPAC website.
Individuals attending the events are also encouraged to post photos and videos or blog posts. Breakfasts are further encouraged to contact each other by skype (or similar VOIP technology) to share news, presentations, and to network with each other.
Organizers are encouraged to bring their own creative ideas to designing their networking event, thereby addressing the needs of their local community. In addition to networking locally, groups are encouraged to take reach out and connect in advance with other groups participating in breakfast events in nearby time zones.
The global women’s breakfast event will be launched in New Zealand on the morning of February 12, 2019, and progress through the Asia-Pacific region into Europe, Africa and finally onto the American region.
The global map of registered breakfast events on the IUPAC100 website will be used along with social media to track the progress of events in real time around the world with the final events occurring in the Pacific region. Individual breakfast meetings will be asked to post a short video during their event to Twitter or Instagram with the hashtags #IUPAC100 and #globalbreakfast. All posts will be displayed on the IUPAC website.
Individuals attending the events are also encouraged to post photos and videos or blog posts. Breakfasts are further encouraged to contact each other by skype (or similar VOIP technology) to share news, presentations, and to network with each other.
Organizers are encouraged to bring their own creative ideas to designing their networking event, thereby addressing the needs of their local community. In addition to networking locally, groups are encouraged to take reach out and connect in advance with other groups participating in breakfast events in nearby time zones.