International Workshop on Improving Data Quality in XAFS Spectroscopy - Q2XAFS 2017
14 August 2017 09:00 - 15 August 2017 18:00, Didcot, United Kingdom
The International Workshop on Improving Data Quality in XAFS Spectroscopy (Q2XAFS2017) will be held at Diamond Light Source (United Kingdom) on the 14th and 15th of August 2017. This is a Satellite Meeting of the IUCr Congress. The workshop aims to bring together experts in the field of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy to discuss aspects of the technique that affect data quality in XAFS experiments.
The event aims to cover the following elements:
all aspects of a XAFS experiment that affect data quality, from the preparation of the experiment to data collection and data reduction
methods that can help deliver robust means to assess data quality
sample preparation, highlighting how the quality of the sample can dramatically affect the quality of the collected data
current data collection optimisation procedures adopted and implemented at state of the art instruments at light sources around the world
specific issues associated with the various spectrometer characteristics
common errors encountered in data reduction and how these can affect the results obtained
data format standardisation and storage, discussing current proposals and the benefits that a uniform data format will ultimately bring to the user community