The AGM for the Central Yorkshire Section will take place on Wednesday 9th March 2016 at the National Science Learning Centre, based on the University of York campus. We start with a drinks reception in the atrium (18:30 for 19:00) and the AGM is followed by a dinner and a talk for both members and guests. The evening is open to all members and their guests and during the AGM (19:00 to 19:30) arrangements have been made for the atrium and library to be available for guests to relax in. The dinner (subsidised) follows the AGM and must be booked in advance. We hope that all our “regulars” will be able to attend. Please contact the Secretary, Dr Allan Stewart, by, at the latest, Friday 26th February to book and ensure that dinner will be ordered for you, preferably using e-mail ( or by telephoning 01943 969322. A contribution of £5 per person is required upon arrival.
We are very pleased to announce that our After-Dinner speaker will be Dr Avtar Matharu, University of York on “GreenChem: The 3Rs to Innovation”.
We are very pleased to announce that our After-Dinner speaker will be Dr Avtar Matharu, University of York on “GreenChem: The 3Rs to Innovation”.