From tackling the world's energy problems to developing plastics that can replace bones chemists are involved in jobs that can really make a difference. Come along to this informal but informative event to learn more from real chemists working across the North West about possible career options in chemistry. Listen to three minute flash presentations from people who use chemistry everyday, decide who you want to find out more from and network with them while enjoying a free buffet.
Start Time - 16:00
End Time - 18:15
This event is suitable for students in Years 11-13 (Age 15+)
ChemNet members/non-members
Registration is now open using the Book Now button at the top of the page
registration will close 7 days before the event
ChemNet in partnership with Blackpool Sixth Form College
Start Time - 16:00
End Time - 18:15
This event is suitable for students in Years 11-13 (Age 15+)
ChemNet members/non-members
Registration is now open using the Book Now button at the top of the page
registration will close 7 days before the event
ChemNet in partnership with Blackpool Sixth Form College