Pharmaceuticals need to be assessed for stability to support the assigned shelf life. Therefore, when analysing stability samples obtained from these studies analytical methods are required which are stability indicating, i.e. there is a measureable response which correlates with degradation, if present. HPLC is a popular technique for monitoring the decrease in drug and corresponding increase in degradation products due to its separating abilities. However, the HPLC method must be developed carefully to ensure that degradation products are both separated and detected appropriately.
This two day training course is designed to provide a thorough understanding of how to develop HPLC methods specifically designed for stability indicating analysis of pharmaceuticals. The course will describe strategies for performing forced degradation studies and selecting optimal HPLC method parameters to ensure that all relevant degradation products are separated.
This two day training course is designed to provide a thorough understanding of how to develop HPLC methods specifically designed for stability indicating analysis of pharmaceuticals. The course will describe strategies for performing forced degradation studies and selecting optimal HPLC method parameters to ensure that all relevant degradation products are separated.