This symposium aims at bringing together a broad range of scientists who develop and apply analytical techniques to
investigate the impact of man's activities on different environmental compartments.
Developments in this field of research will be illustrated through lectures, posters and
workshops, and will cover both the fundamental and practical aspects of
environmental analyses and monitoring, together with novel applications of protocols.
The Symposium program will include a number of invited lectures treating frontier
topics of environmental analytical chemistry, such as:
- Miniaturized spectroscopic tools for environmental survey analysis,
- Remote sensing in marine research,
- Xenobiotics in specific compartments of the environment,
- Sampling and sample handling for environmental analysis.
investigate the impact of man's activities on different environmental compartments.
Developments in this field of research will be illustrated through lectures, posters and
workshops, and will cover both the fundamental and practical aspects of
environmental analyses and monitoring, together with novel applications of protocols.
The Symposium program will include a number of invited lectures treating frontier
topics of environmental analytical chemistry, such as:
- Miniaturized spectroscopic tools for environmental survey analysis,
- Remote sensing in marine research,
- Xenobiotics in specific compartments of the environment,
- Sampling and sample handling for environmental analysis.