TAC 2014 is a general conference for the presentation of updates in technology, science and applications in the field of thermal analysis and calorimetry. The conference will include several themed sessions on the use of thermal analysis and calorimetry to support product development in multiple industry sectors. The plenary lectures will be given by internationally recognised experts on studies performed in the pharmaceutical and polymer industries. Contributors are invited to submit papers on any thermal analysis or calorimetric study performed in any industry sector. This conference provides an opportunity for peer review of work and papers can be offered as oral presentations or posters. The conference will also host the Cyril Keattch Award, which is offered to scientists who have performed studies in the field of thermal analysis and calorimetry during the early stages of their career (first 10 years). The prize is a grant to enable travel to an international thermal analysis conference. The chosen conference this year is ESTAC 2014 which will be held in Finland. TAC 2014 will also feature a comprehensive manufacturers exhibition showing the latest thermal analysis and calorimetry equipment and a conference dinner to offer the opportunity of networking in a less formal environment. Prior to the conference, a one day Thermal Analysis Short Course entitled 'Advanced Techniques in Thermal Analysis & Calorimetry' will be given by leading experts in the field. This course will be colocated with the conference at GSK Ware and will held on the 31st March 2014.