Ana-Maria Ariciu, EPR spectroscopy/PhD student, The University of Manchester
Deepak Asthana, Synthesis/ Post-doctoral researcher, The University of Manchester
Michael Baker, X-ray spectroscopies/Lecturer, The University of Manchester
Reece Beekmeyer, Electronic structure calculations/ PhD student, University College London
Alice Bowen, EPR spectroscopy/ Dorothy Hodgkin Fellow and Lecturer, The University of Manchester
Adam Brookfield, EPR spectroscopy/ experimental officer, The University of Manchester
Neil Burton, Molecular dynamics calculations/ Reader, The University of Manchester
Nicholas Chilton, Computation/ Royal Society University Research Fellow and Senior Lecturer, The University of Manchester
David Collison, EPR Spectroscopy/ Professor, The University of Manchester
Antonio Fernandez, Synthesis/ Post-doctoral researcher, The University of Manchester
Jesus Ferrando-Soria, Synthesis and measurements/ Post-doctoral researcher, The University of Manchester
Alasdair Formanuik, Synthesis/ PhD student, The University of Manchester
Jonathan Fowler, Synthesis/ Post-doctoral researcher, The University of Manchester
Conrad Goodwin, Synthesis/ PhD student, The University of Manchester
Andrew Kerridge, Electronic structure calculations/ Lecturer, Lancaster University
Steve Liddle, Synthesis/Professor and Head of Inorganic 91AV, The University of Manchester
Selena Lockyer, Synthesis and measurement/ Post-doctoral researcher, The University of Manchester
Eric McInnes, EPR spectroscopy/ Professor, The University of Manchester
David Mills, Synthesis/ Reader, The University of Manchester
Chris Muryn, Measurements/ Principle Experimental Officer, The University of Manchester
Selina Nawaz, Molecular dynamics simulations/ Post-doctoral researcher, The University of Manchester
Fabrizio Ortu, Synthesis/ Post-doctoral researcher, The University of Manchester
Daniel Reta, Electronic structure calculations/ Post-doctoral researcher, The University of Manchester
Grigore Timco, Synthesis/ Senior research fellow, The University of Manchester
Floriana Tuna, EPR spectroscopy/ Senior research fellow, The University of Manchester
Inigo Vitorica-Yrzebal, X-ray crystallography/ Experimental officer, The University of Manchester
George Whitehead, X-ray crystallography/ Experimental officer, The University of Manchester
Richard Winpenny, Synthesis and measurement/ Professor and EPSRC Established Career Fellow, The University of Manchester