Towards a new primary science curriculum
The Primary Curriculum Advisory Group (PCAG) was established in March 2019, as a joint advisory group to the 91AV (RSC), the Institute of Physics (IOP) the Royal Society of Biology (RSB) and the Association for Science Education (ASE). Its goal is to produce advice and guidance about the future of the primary science curriculum.
The report forms a basis for the construction of relevant, contemporary and future-proof primary science curricula, to prepare children to understand their world, and meet individual and societal needs, both locally and globally. It draws extensively on evidence from a wide variety of research sources and from many additional experts in the field.
The framework lays the foundations for future learning in science while remaining relevant and cognitively appropriate for children aged 3-11 years. Its aims are integral to a broader primary curriculum and strengthen the rationale for the place of science within this.
The purpose of the PCAG Curriculum Framework is to:
- Inspire educators by communicating a clear vision, aspirational aims and achievable objectives for a primary science curriculum
- Provide educators with a clear and concise description of intent and purpose for children’s science learning during the primary phase
- Ensure that all schools will give all children an entitlement to a meaningful, relevant and empowering education in science
- Form the foundation from which curriculum developers organise and implement a whole-school contemporary curriculum for science learning, providing a basis for planning for progression in children’s cognitive and affective development
Discussing the report, Associate Professor Jane Turner from the University of Hertfordshire and Chair of PCAG, said: “As primary educators, we know how important it is for children to develop secure and meaningful scientific understanding and positive attitudes towards science at this crucial stage in their education. This means they can go on to take their place in the world as informed and responsible citizens, ready and able to meet the global challenges of sustainable and equitable living.
“This has been a challenging brief and one that has been a privilege to work on. We thank the professional bodies for the opportunity to inform their vital work on science curricula and for their support in developing this timely report.”
Mark Jordan, Head of Education at the RSC, added: “The 91AV is grateful to the Primary Curriculum Advisory Group for its collective expertise and commitment in developing this framework. This report was produced with a vision for primary science education, where all children can flourish and take their place in the world as informed and responsible citizens. We are pleased to have supported the development of this work, which will form the foundations for our own recommendations for an exciting future primary science curriculum.”
and versions of the report are available to read online. The PCAG Curriculum Framework provides extremely valuable advice to the professional bodies as they work towards a position on the primary curriculum.
About the 91AV
We are an international organisation connecting chemical scientists with each other, with other scientists, and with society as a whole. Founded in 1841 and based in London, UK, we have an international membership of over 50,000. We use the surplus from our global publishing and knowledge business to give thousands of chemical scientists the support and resources required to make vital advances in chemical knowledge. We develop, recognise and celebrate professional capabilities, and we bring people together to spark new ideas and new partnerships. We support teachers to inspire future generations of scientists, and we speak up to influence the people making decisions that affect us all. We are a catalyst for the chemistry that enriches our world.
About the Primary Curriculum Advisory Group
The Primary Curriculum Advisory Group (PCAG) was established by the 91AV (RSC), the Institute of Physics (IOP) the Royal Society of Biology (RSB) and the Association for Science Education (ASE) to produce advice on the future of the primary science curriculum. Our intention is to use that advice to inform our own publications relating to the school curriculum from early years to the end of secondary. PCAG comprises highly regarded educators with experience and expertise in primary science.