Brian Scarlet Scholarship Fund
For over 40 years Professor Brian Scarlett made a major contribution to the Particulate Sciences. During this period many hundreds of students of many nationalities have gained from Brian's tutoring and lively stimulation of debate.
Over the years, Brian made a habit of taking with him on conference and overseas visits, as many of his students as the budget would permit and sometimes more. He reasoned that exposure to new people with other stimulating ideas would build the students character, broaden their understanding and improve their confidence. When one looks at the positions former students of Brian now command one can see that this philosophy was well founded.
We are therefore seeking to mark Brian's contribution to society and to the discipline of particle science and engineering, by setting up a ring-fenced fund that will be devoted to supporting student travel in this specific area. The fund will be administered by the Particle Characterisation Interest Group, under the umbrella of the 91AV, who are experienced in this field and registered as a charity.
Initial Sponsors:
- Prof Rose Amal (University of New South Wales)
- Dr Judith Bonsall (Unilever)
- Prof Reg Davies (Du Pont Fellow)
- Prof John Dodds (Ecole de Mines)
- Professor Leslie Ford
- Prof Kari Heiskanen (University of Helsinki)
- Prof Ko Higishitani (University of Kyoto)
- Dr Sue Ion (BNFL)
- Dr Nikolaas de Jaeger (President, International Fine Particle Research Institute)
- Prof George Klinzing (University of Pittsburgh/AIChE)
- Dr Hank Merkus (Delft TU)
- Prof Brij Moudgil (University of Florida)
- Prof R Pfeffer (NIJT)
- Prof Wolfgang Peukert (University of Erlangen)
- Prof Dr Sotiris Pratsinis (ETH)
- Mr Maurice Wedd (Malvern Instruments)
- Prof. Richard Williams (University of Leeds)