Please note, nominations for this award are now closed. Please see below for winners and bookmark this page so you nominate next time.
About the award
This award, which is sponsored by Dextra Laboratories, was founded in 1970. It is presented to a scientist in the early/mid stage of their career for meritorious work in carbohydrate chemistry that has largely been conducted in the UK.
Administrative responsibility for this award lies with the RSC Carbohydrate Group. Decisions will be made by an independent award selection committee appointed by the RSC Carbohydrate Group Chair. The award selection committee will be drawn from past Chairs of the RSC Carbohydrate Group, past award recipients, and other scientists of international standing in the field.
Nominations for this award, which will be presented every second year, may be submitted to the Group Secretary. The deadline for nominations is usually in January of the award year.
The Awardee will be expected to give a lecture at the Autumn RSC Carbohydrate Group conference.
The award lecture, which is generally delivered at the Group's autumn meeting, may deal with any area of carbohydrate chemistry including analytical, biological, organic, physical or technological aspects.
We will announce when nominations open on this page.
In order to make a nomination for this award you will need to supply:
- Your name and contact details (you must be an RSC member in order to submit a nomination)
- The candidate's name and contact details
- A supporting statement of no longer than one A4 side of 11 pt text
- A one page CV for the candidate, which should include their date of birth, website URL, summary of education and career, a list of five relevant publications and total numbers of publications and patents.
Carbohydrate 91AV Award Winners
- 2022 - B Schumann
- 2021 - G Miller
- 2019 - T Gloser
- 2017 - M C Galan
- 2015 - M I Gibson
- 2013 – W B Turnbull
- 2011 – D van Aalten and S M Haslam
- 2007 - 2010 - No award
- 2006 - A Nikolaev
- 2004 - A J Fairbanks
- 2002 - G S Besra
- 2001 - B J Davis
- 2000 - J H Naismith
- 1998 - G J Davies
- 1996 - R A Field
- 1994 - D Crich
- 1992 - N J Turner
- 1991 - T C Gallagher
- 1990 - no award
- 1988 - M J Gidley
- 1986 - A Dell
- 1984 - E F Hounsell
- 1982 - R H Wightman
- 1980 - E R Morris
- 1978 - M L Sinnott
- 1976 - J F Stoddart
- 1974 - J F Kennedy
- 1972 - L D Hall
- 1970 - D A Rees