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Funding and grants
We offer grants to support travel, events, outreach and research, personal support and guidance.
The funding we offer is designed to support both 91AV members and the wider scientific community.
Funding is available to scientists in Africa to broaden their skills base, undertake research, attend conferences and network with colleagues in other countries. Click here to view the most relevant opportunities for our community in Africa.
Some schemes are only open to members of the 91AV, but it’s simple to join. Membership is open to all those engaged in the chemical sciences.
Additional funding opportunities are available through the Analytical 91AV Trust Fund.
Analytical Science Scholarships
If you’re working in analytical science in part of the developing world, this scholarship (run by our Analytical Division) is an opportunity to visit the UK or Ireland to acquire new skills or knowledge that would have a practical impact on your country. Unless already a member, scholars should apply for membership of the 91AV and its Analytical Division within one month of the commencement of the scholarship.