The North East Region of the Analytical Division of the 91AV promotes Analytical Science in the region by initiating and supporting activities that enhance and further the subject.
The section encourages participation by both industrialists and academics and is especially keen to have younger scientists involved on the committee.
The main activity of the section is to hold scientific meetings reflecting the interests of the members and introducing new ideas.
We also offer support to the N E Analytical Science Network; travel bursaries to young analytical scientists; and, in conjunction with sanofi-aventis, prizes for undergraduate students from the region undertaking Analytical Science placements.
Quick links
For on the North East Region of the Analytical Division you can contact the Secretary using the details below:
Professor John Dean
Contact the secretaryForthcoming events
Forthcoming events organised by the North East Region of the Analytical Division (NERAD).
Visit the NERAD website for up to date details of our prizes and events.
Further information on the Schools' Analyst Competition
Analytical Matters
Read more about all Analytical Divisions activities in the e-newsletter Analytical Matters
Network team
- Tel:
- +44 (0) 1223 432269
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- Send us an email