Event : Cafe Scientifique - How do opiods affect older adults' memory and attention http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/41171/Cafe%20Scientifique%20-%20How%20do%20opiods%20affect%20older%20adults'%20memory%20and%20attention This is a feed for event : Cafe Scientifique - How do opiods affect older adults' memory and attention Fri, 30 Aug 2019 09:25:37 +0100 41171 41171 http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/41171/Cafe%20Scientifique%20-%20How%20do%20opiods%20affect%20older%20adults'%20memory%20and%20attention Cafe Scientifique - How do opiods affect older adults' memory and attention Event dates: 30 October 2019 19:30-21:00<br/>Event summary: If you have an illness that can't be cured, palliative care using opiods makes you as comfortable as possible by managing your pain. But there are side-effects.<br/>Event Venue: The Potting Shed, Beverley, HU17 0NJ, United Kingdom Fri, 30 Aug 2019 09:25:37 +0100 2019-08-30T09:25:37+01:00