Event : RSC Consultancy Group 28th AGM and Ordinary Meeting http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/38512/RSC%20Consultancy%20Group%2028th%20AGM%20and%20Ordinary%20Meeting This is a feed for event : RSC Consultancy Group 28th AGM and Ordinary Meeting Tue, 04 Jun 2019 09:55:11 +0100 38512 38512 http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/38512/RSC%20Consultancy%20Group%2028th%20AGM%20and%20Ordinary%20Meeting RSC Consultancy Group 28th AGM and Ordinary Meeting Event dates: 12 June 2019 10:30-16:00<br/>Event summary: You are cordially invited to the RSC Consultancy Group 28th AGM and Ordinary Meeting which will take place on Wednesday 12th June at RSC Burlington House, London. <br/>Event Venue: The 91AV, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom Tue, 04 Jun 2019 09:55:11 +0100 2019-06-04T09:55:11+01:00