ࡱ> UWT{ bjbjzz H3x x 8$B\&%%%%%%%$)+%"%%d%%:($t$r nUj$ p%%0&$.A,rA,$$A,$%%Hd&A,x : CONSULTANCY GROUP WORKSHOP ON STARTING AND RUNNING A CONSULTANCY Registration for the Workshop on Thursday 25th July 2013 to be held in the Council Room, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London at 10.00am Registration fees (including lunch and refreshments) are: RSC Consultancy Group (RSC-CG) and JCF members100Other members of the RSC110Non-members150 If you wish to attend the meeting, please complete the registration form (photocopies are acceptable for additional delegates), using BLOCK CAPITALS, and return it with your remittance (cheques to be made payable to RSC Consultancy Group; one cheque acceptable for more than one delegate) to the address given below. I wish to attend the RSC-CG meeting on Thursday 25th July 2013 Name (and title)I am / am not* a member of the CG/JCF (Please state CG or JCF member, e.g. BCS)AddressI am / am not* a member of the RSC (Membership No. ) Is a receipt required? Yes / No* Is a CPD attendance certificate required? Yes / No*Signature* Delete as appropriate. I enclose remittance of  Receipts and CPD certificates will be available at the meeting.Please note that the RSC-CG is not registered for VAT. Please indicate any special dietary requirements:  Please return your completed form to: Dr Stephen Bounds Chapel House Mill Road Banham, Norwich. NR16 2HU If willing, could you please provide a one sentence statement about your activities for inclusion on the delegate list. . . Cancellations: We regret that refunds cannot be made unless written cancellation has been received more than two weeks prior to the meeting. Substitutions can, however, be made. If the substitute is in a different registration category, the difference in registration fee is payable. If, exceptionally, a delegate registers without enclosing payment (e.g. late registration), payment will be due at the meeting. If the delegate fails to attend the meeting this will be deemed to be a cancellation without due notice and payment will be due within two weeks of the meeting.      Registered Charity Number: 207890 EZcfqs~  İzl[J[<hTCJOJQJ^JaJ h4-OhGNCJOJQJ^JaJ h4-OhTCJOJQJ^JaJhQCJOJQJ^JaJ&hQhGN56CJOJQJ^JaJ h556CJOJQJ^JaJ hQ56CJOJQJ^JaJ&hQhQ56CJOJQJ^JaJhTCJaJhP4hP4CJH*aJhd9CJaJhGNhTCJaJhP4CJaJhP4hT>*CJaJDE ; @ $G$IfgdT $G$If^=kd$$If4a##44 laf4$G$If $$G$Ifa$gdQ < ? 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