Dr Ian Houson, National Facility Manager, CMAC, University of Strathclyde, , United Kingdom
an works at the interface of academia and industry at the Continuous Manufacturing and Advanced Crystallisation (CMAC) Future Manufacturing Hub. After 17 years in pharmaceuticals process development, scale-up and manufacturing at an SME, a CMO and large pharma, Ian moved to his current role focusing on maximising benefit of the interactions between the 8 Tier 1 companies and the academics involved in CMAC. This involves facilitating knowledge and technology transfer as well as running a range of pre-competitive and confidential projects at the interface of drug substance and drug product.
Dr. Nazer Rajoub, CMAC, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
With 7 years of experience in continuous crystallisation processes, he has been delivering proprietary and pre-competitive projects for national and international Tier 1 companies. He has expertise on developing workflows for design and implementation of pharmaceutical and biological processes for drug substance and Formulated products. Dr. Rajoub also has 6 years of experience in the oil and gas industry focussing on Carbon capture and achieving zero carbon emission target, Quality Control Assurance, Design of eco-friendly production.