All scientists working in chemistry need software tools for accessing, handling and storing chemical information, or performing molecular modelling and computational chemistry. There is now a wealth of open-source tools to help in these activities; however, many are not as well-known as commercial offerings. These workshops offer a unique opportunity for attendees to try out a range of open-source software packages for themselves with expert tuition in different aspects of chemistry. Information is provided for attendees to install the packages to run on their own laptops.
This is the third of four two-hour sessions, which will be run on Zoom. The workshops are free to attend, but registration is required.
GNINA 1.0: Molecular Docking with Deep Learning with David Koes, University of Pittsburgh
The use of docking to predict ligand binding to a receptor is now well established. This workshop will cover docking and structure-based virtual screening, with an introduction to the theory followed by practical examples. More information about GNINA 1.0 can be found here:
Upcoming and final session:
24 June 2021
Advanced DataWarrior with Isabelle Giraud, Idorsia Pharmaceuticals Ltd
The previous very popular introductory workshop brought DataWarrior to a new, wider audience. This workshop will highlight advanced features, macros and other topics that were brought up by users. So feel free to submit requests. Go to to learn more about DataWarrior.
Videos from previous workshops on open-source software tools can be found on our YouTube channel - follow the link to discover more:
This is the third of four two-hour sessions, which will be run on Zoom. The workshops are free to attend, but registration is required.
GNINA 1.0: Molecular Docking with Deep Learning with David Koes, University of Pittsburgh
The use of docking to predict ligand binding to a receptor is now well established. This workshop will cover docking and structure-based virtual screening, with an introduction to the theory followed by practical examples. More information about GNINA 1.0 can be found here:
Upcoming and final session:
24 June 2021
Advanced DataWarrior with Isabelle Giraud, Idorsia Pharmaceuticals Ltd
The previous very popular introductory workshop brought DataWarrior to a new, wider audience. This workshop will highlight advanced features, macros and other topics that were brought up by users. So feel free to submit requests. Go to to learn more about DataWarrior.
Videos from previous workshops on open-source software tools can be found on our YouTube channel - follow the link to discover more: