The 1st online conference on Green Energy powered by SCION Conferences will provide a premier interdisciplinary platform for the academic community and industry stakeholders of the field, to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends and current practices on the green-energy field.
The conference will be held completely online through multiple online streaming platforms and communication tools, bringing advantages to all participants, like:
The conference will be held completely online through multiple online streaming platforms and communication tools, bringing advantages to all participants, like:
- Increase your safety during the COVID-19 outbreak.
- Reduce carbon emissions.
- Reduce Registration fees
- Reduce travel and hotel costs.
- Save your time.
- Find new ideas or collaborators.
- Simplify conferences.
- Reduce carbon emissions.
- Hydrogen Storage
- Biofuel
- Energy Harvesting
- Power electronic converters
- Energy storage technologies and systems
- Solar Cells
- Smart Grids
- Sustainable cities & buildings
- Digital Green Energy and IoT
- Mobility,
- Energy efficiency,
- Advanced energy technologies
- Integrated energy systems
- Nanotechnology applications to renewable energy
- Biomass
- Environmental impact
- Renewable energy