You are warmly invited to attend the Computational and Experimental 91AV Symposium. This Symposium comprises a series of online-lectures from 10 invited speakers that will be given in June using the Zoom platform and a live-streaming option on YouTube. Each lecture is for 30 minutes followed by a question/discussion session for additional 30 minutes. The Symposium is FREE.
We aim to bring together the computational simulation community and experimental researchers to show how they can exploit current state-of-the-art modelling, analytical, and numerical tools together with advanced experimental techniques to enhance their projects at the edge of both computational and experimental research. During the discussion session, participants will have a chance to talk to experienced academics and researchers from IBM to exchange knowledge and discuss their research problems in detail. After the Symposium, participants will have a clear understanding of how they can expand their research, what excremental and simulation tools they should use, and which questions they can answer using them.
If you are
- an experimentalist, you will learn modelling methods that could help you understand the underlying phenomena.
- a computational scientist, you will deeper understand modelling methods that you have already used or you will extend your knowledge to new methods.
- a participant interested in numerical methods, you will learn how to handle and explain your experimental and/or simulation results.
- a scientist curious about multi-scale simulations and relevant experiments describing physical and chemical processes, you will have an opportunity to learn the best practices from experienced researchers.
• The Symposium has research and educational elements: we will equip you with specific modeling, analytical, numerical tools required to run different scale simulations and interpret obtained results.
• Meet academics from UK universities and researchers from the IBM Research, Daresbury Laboratory to exchange knowledge and discuss your research problems.
• Venue: Zoom and The International Adsorption Society YouTube channel
• Date: June 2020
• Register here:
• The schedule will be released gradually over May and June on the International Adsorption Society website
• Acknowledgement for Technical support: International Adsorption Society
If you have any questions, please contact:
Dmitry N. Lapshin, AMRSC, AFHEA
We aim to bring together the computational simulation community and experimental researchers to show how they can exploit current state-of-the-art modelling, analytical, and numerical tools together with advanced experimental techniques to enhance their projects at the edge of both computational and experimental research. During the discussion session, participants will have a chance to talk to experienced academics and researchers from IBM to exchange knowledge and discuss their research problems in detail. After the Symposium, participants will have a clear understanding of how they can expand their research, what excremental and simulation tools they should use, and which questions they can answer using them.
The scope of the Symposium covers the field of quantum simulations (sub-atomistic scale), molecular dynamics and Monte-Carlo simulations (atomistic and molecular scale), molecular dynamics combined with fluid dynamics (mesoscale), process simulations (industrial scale). All these simulations will be considered along with related experiments. The major themes of the Symposium are adsorption on different surfaces, interfacial nanostructures, and their properties, synthesis and characterization of porous materials, interactions between different phases, optimization of chemical engineering processes, and more.Audience
The Symposium is for Master and Ph.D. students, post-doctoral researchers, academics, industry personnel, and anyone with an interest in computational and experimental techniques in application to material science, physical and chemical processes.If you are
- an experimentalist, you will learn modelling methods that could help you understand the underlying phenomena.
- a computational scientist, you will deeper understand modelling methods that you have already used or you will extend your knowledge to new methods.
- a participant interested in numerical methods, you will learn how to handle and explain your experimental and/or simulation results.
- a scientist curious about multi-scale simulations and relevant experiments describing physical and chemical processes, you will have an opportunity to learn the best practices from experienced researchers.
Key highlights:
• The Symposium covers a wide range of topics at the edge of both simulations and experiments. We will draw direct connections between experiments and simulations;• The Symposium has research and educational elements: we will equip you with specific modeling, analytical, numerical tools required to run different scale simulations and interpret obtained results.
• Meet academics from UK universities and researchers from the IBM Research, Daresbury Laboratory to exchange knowledge and discuss your research problems.
• Venue: Zoom and The International Adsorption Society YouTube channel
• Date: June 2020
• Register here:
• The schedule will be released gradually over May and June on the International Adsorption Society website
• Acknowledgement for Technical support: International Adsorption Society
If you have any questions, please contact:
Dmitry N. Lapshin, AMRSC, AFHEA