Title: Undergraduate & Graduate Research-Motivated Laboratory Renewal at the University of Toronto
This presentation will describe pedagogical research opportunities available to chemistry undergraduates and graduate students at the University of Toronto, and how participating students have contributed to the development of new organic laboratory materials and activities during the last 17 years. The work that has been undertaken generally falls into one or more of the following five areas:
(i) preparation and characterization of “real-world relevant” substances;
(ii) student-driven synthesis design and execution;
(iii) plugging pedagogical gaps;
(iv) collaborative and cooperative student learning; and
(v) greener and more sustainable chemistry.
This perspective will be provided from a teaching faculty member who has great interest in the design and implementation of novel curriculum components.
This presentation will describe pedagogical research opportunities available to chemistry undergraduates and graduate students at the University of Toronto, and how participating students have contributed to the development of new organic laboratory materials and activities during the last 17 years. The work that has been undertaken generally falls into one or more of the following five areas:
(i) preparation and characterization of “real-world relevant” substances;
(ii) student-driven synthesis design and execution;
(iii) plugging pedagogical gaps;
(iv) collaborative and cooperative student learning; and
(v) greener and more sustainable chemistry.
This perspective will be provided from a teaching faculty member who has great interest in the design and implementation of novel curriculum components.