
Superficially Porous (Core-Shell) Phases

10 May 2018 11:15-13:00, Nottingham, United Kingdom

Superficially Porous Phases – Development and Benefits for HPLC/UHPLC 
Superficially porous or core shell particle phases are becoming increasingly popular in today’s laboratory. This course will introduce you to the development of solid-core particle technology and the anatomy of a modern core shell particle. It will demonstrate how reduction in band broadening with these phases enables chromatographic separations to be performed with increased resolution and higher sensitivity, compared to fully porous phases. The range of particle sizes currently available for both small molecule and larger biomolecule separations will be discussed, along with parameters to be considered when transferring methods from fully porous to core shell phases. Examples will be shown to demonstrate how ultra-fast separations can be achieved without excessively high operating pressures. This course will enable you to develop faster HPLC/UHPLC analyses, thereby increasing laboratory productivity. 
Anatomy of core shell particles
Effects of reduction in band broadening
Improvements in resolution and sensitivity
Increased speed of analysis
Range of particle sizes and phases
Transfer of methods to core shell phases  
Available as in-house or off-site courses. Contact us for details
Tel: 0118 930 3660 Email: seminars@hichrom.co.uk

TBC, TBC, Nottingham, ---, United Kingdom

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