In this workshop students will discover what a colour actually is, understand how objects become coloured, and how Chemists can manipulate these aspects to produce both natural and synthetic dyes. You will then learn about how chemical bonding can lead to colour, and produce both a natural and synthetic dye. In the final part of the workshop we will pitch you against a real-life analytical chemistry scenario during which you will devise your own experiment using aspects of pH and colourimetry to solve a colourful problem. Please bring a packed lunch to eat during the lunch break.
To register email
This event is suitable for students aged 16-18 members/teachers
Please note that registration will close 7 days before the event.
ChemNet event Jointly organised with UCLAN and Royal Institution Young Scientst Centre
To register email
This event is suitable for students aged 16-18 members/teachers
Please note that registration will close 7 days before the event.
ChemNet event Jointly organised with UCLAN and Royal Institution Young Scientst Centre